Blog Coaching

Start a Successful and Profitable Blog In 8 Weeks

There’s is more to blogging than creating a free blog, writing few posts and slapping in some AdSense code and wait for the dollars to roll in.

Blogging is not as simple as you think. It requires work, work and work.

There’s so much to learn about blogging that you can become overwhelmed.

It’s easy to buy into the myth that just because you’re a good writer with interesting ideas and you post three days per week, your blog will succeed.

Truth is, the internet is littered with blogs that didn’t see the light of day. Some failed after a week, month or year.

Tens of thousands of people pour hours into their craft every single week and never see results.

And the bloggers get frustrated, tired, and eventually give up.

Are you overwhelmed with the whole online jargons?

Do you wish to start an online business that pays the bills and gives you the freedom to focus on what is important?

Have you been building an online business for several years and months but you’re not getting results?

Have you been blogging for months or years without making a dime from it?

Whether you’re a newbie or aspiring blogger who wants to start and run a successful blog, I can help you start a blog that gets noticed in a noisy world of internet and makes you cool money.

Wouldn’t it be nice to talk to someone who knows the pain and hard work of building an online business?

Who can look from the outside and ask the right questions?

Who can see where you’re going and has a plan to get you there?

Before we continue you probably want to learn a bit more about what makes me qualified to coach you.

The reasons:

I’ve been featured on a dozen of blogs

Ogbongeblog: 18 Most Profitable and Marketable 21st Century Online Skills for Young Entrepreneurs
The Total Entrepreneurs: Seed Investment Funding Options For Startups In Nigeria
Cashrange: Can I Become Rich By Working For Somebody
Tush Magazine’s October Issue
My blog has won Blog of the Week on
I’m a Contributor at Nigeria’s Biggest Business and Entrepreneurship Blog, EnterpriseBoom: Top 10 List of Online Payment System in Nigeria
KonnectAfrica: You’re Human: Embrace Your Imperfection
Loudtips: 15 powerful bloggers you should learn from to grow your online business
I’ve been featured on several blogs like:
And a host of others…

The Value of Coaching (Why You Need A Coach)

The truth is that building a successful online business isn’t complicated – but there are a hundred little details to manage at once, and that’s what makes it difficult and confusing.

Most people struggle because they get lost in the details, or don’t know where to start. They just know that what they’re currently doing isn’t working because their blog growth has stopped – or never got going in the first place!

The good news is, you don’t have to know everything to be able to grow your blog – when you work with me as your blogging coach, you just need to be open to new ideas and to follow through on the action steps I create for you.

What You Stand to Gain

Start your online business on the right foundation
Increase your income

Learn the various way I make money from my blog and COPY the same strategies
Increase your blog traffic

Increase your subscriber count

Increase your social proof

Increase awareness of your brand

Gain the trust of your target audience

Build a professional blog people respect
Get Clarity on your blog goals
Stand out from the crowd and become well known and respected online
And much more…
Who is this Coaching program for?

ONLY someone who wants to start an online business and is ready and willing to INVEST in it.

I only work with clients I am certain have the potential for – and commitment to – success. If you’re dedicated to developing smarter systems for your online business that will give you the leverage you need to be successful, contact me now.

Not only will we identify the things that are standing in the way of your success; we’ll also review potential solutions and you’ll leave with a specific steps that will move you closer to your goals.

Getting expert input can save you hundreds of wasted hours writing blog posts that get your blog or your business nowhere – and get you straight to the results you’re looking for.

You can create the online business of your dreams.

The key is learning and implementing a time-tested sales and marketing system, something that you can keep repeating over and over again so that you can achieve and enjoy a rewarding, sustainable and profitable business doing what you love.

If you are also willing to take smart, consistent action and not give up, the only thing standing between you and a successful online business is knowing what to do.

You can learn what to do and get the support, accountability and guidance so you take smart, consistent action and get the results and enjoy the success you desire.

Coaching FrameWork
Every client who worked with me followed this framework to achieve massive success in their online business. I understand that the needs of every client are unique, hence this framework could be tweaked to fit your special needs, challenges and goals.

This framework will serve as a roadmap to your desired goals in building a profitable online business using a blog.

I created this framework because I love following a system or process to achieving my goals. And I’m sure you too love to follow a system that guarantees success all the time.

This coaching framework will help you:

Get total clarity about what you should be doing every single day to grow your business so you don’t have to waste time with ‘useless thing’ that doesn’t make your revenue grow.
Choose a profitable niche that makes you money every month
Identify and understand the needs of your ideal clients.
Make money from your experience, passion, expertise and knowledge.
Create compelling contents your audience want to read.
Create a simple sales funnel that generates leads and drives sales.
Make keyword research that helps you understand the needs of your audience and create the exact content they’re interested in.
Generate massive traffic to your blog
Become a well-known and respected expert in your field.
Make money from your blog.
And lots more
The framework is divided into 4 phases which extend into 8 weeks.

Phase 1 – Clarity Session

A lot of people start an online business without knowing what they want or what they should expect. All they know is to make money. It will be so difficult to achieve your goals in life or business if you’re not clear on what you want.

It will be so difficult to achieve your goals in life or business if you’re not clear on what you want.

Starting and building an online business could be such a daunting task if you’re not clear on what you want. There are lots of information out there that if you want to listen to everyone you’d end up being overwhelmed and confused.

In this session, I’ll walk you through the process of knowing and understanding your goals. You’d also learn how to setup SMART goals for your online business and work towards achieving them.

Week 1:

What is your why? Blogging with intention.
You’d learn how to find your why even when you don’t know how to
Setting your blogging goals to achieve massive success.
Week 2:

How to choose a profitable niche that is guaranteed to make you money using the “GEEK” formula
Things to consider when choosing a niche
How to create your ideal client profile.
In-depth keyword research to identify the key phrases clients would find you with via the social media and search engine.
Phase 2: Cleanup Session
There are people who start blogging without any direction or guidance. Hence, they do anything and everything on their blogs that does not produce results.

Today they’ll talk about sport, tomorrow they’re talking about relationship. Another day, they’re talking entertainment and gist.

They place every bell and whistle on their blogs because they take advice from everyone.

Does this sound like you?

Your blog design is terrible
Your combination of colours on your blog is repelling
You don’t have a clear message on your blog
You have no understanding of SEO.
Your content is just boring
This session will help you clean up your entire blog and even social media accounts so you can attract the right audience, serve them and get paid to do so.

Week 3:

Blog Cleanup:

Get clear about your message
How to choose a brand colour that stands out
How to write a compelling “about” page
Setup basic SEO for your blog so you get indexed by Google.
How to design a simple and yet sophisticated blog that people love.
How to create pages that matter to your blog success.
Week 4:

Social Media Cleanup:

Setup of social media accounts that attract high-paying clients and raving blog readers.
Facebook cleanup
Twitter cleanup
Instagram cleanup
And any other social media of your choice
Phase 3: Action Session
Now, this is where the real work begins. Every other session was to prepare the ground and set you up for building a profitable business.

This session is the most important session in this coaching program. There are lots of people who have other things put in place but miss these important things that prepare you for running a successful and profitable online business.

This session will help you setup those important things that will drive traffic and make you money.

Week 5:

Creation of lead magnet(s)
Setting up of email marketing
Week 6:

Keywords research
Creation of 5 evergreen contents based on your keywords
Phase 4
Now this is the last session of the program. This is where you’d learn how to drive targeted traffic to your blog/website and how to turn those visitors to paying clients.

Week 7:

Top 10 traffic generation strategies that will bring in your first 10k visitors.
Week 8:

5 sure ways to find a profitable product
How to package your product/service
Income generation exercise
How to attract high paying clients
10 sure ways to make money from your online business
You’d be given assignment(s) on each session.

You’d be given resources and tools needed in each session.

In the case where you have lots of these things put in place, I can design a framework that is unique to you and meets your exact need.

Whether you’re struggling with getting traffic, setting up your sales funnel, creating your first product or packaging your product or service, I will create a framework that meets your specific need.


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